Category: Critical Theory
Tangential Extrapolation
The Subversive Role of Literature within the Centro-circular Model of Western Subject-Object Dichotomy In both Can the Subaltern Speak? and Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism, Spivak urges readers to recognize their politically biased position, no matter how “neutral” they assert they are. In her analysis, the subject formation can be likened to a closed circle…
Evergrowing Dictionary
Anomaly as a Possible Solution to the Dilemma between Totalism and Individualism in Identity Politics In Cultural Identity and Diaspora, Stuart Hall struggles to reconcile the two great traditions regarding men as common total beings and individual characteristic beings. The two methodologies clearly show their pros and cons. The former, dogmatic dealing of Caribbean diaspora as…
A Hundred Nietzsches?
A Critical View on Nietzsche’s “Übermenschen” Democracy Project ”With a hundred such men . . . the whole noisy sham-culture of our age could now be silenced for ever.” (95) Acutely criticizing the utilitarian science and mass culture, Nietzsche strongly persuades the reader to be completely independent and autonomous. His refusal of the Hegelian narrative…
To the System of Anti-Systems
Foucault’s Discovery of Critical Theorists as a Remedy for Barthes’s Limitation Every act of creation is first an act of destruction. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) What’s Good about Destruction? With both temporally and culturally diverse references, Roland Barthes in The Death of the Author carries out an encompassing attack on the concept of “Author.” His argument is quite…
Posthumously Humanized “Posthuman”
Criticism of Vulgar “Posthumanism” Which Nullifies Human and Fantasizes Nonexistent Future * To avoid ambiguity, Braidotti and Hayles are referred to by their initial alphabets, B and H, respectively. Endangered Humanism? As Braidotti discovers that “Humanistic studies have been downgraded beyond the ‘soft’ sciences level” (B10), contemporary academia seems to have a clear preference for…